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How to stay safe on Facebook Account

  • By wts ayesha
  • 11 Sep, 2017

Facebook is one of the social media giant worldwide, where 250k new users are being added every day. A profile on the Facebook helps to share the information which can be risky. Information such as private photos, videos, check-ins and check-out logs can get you in a big trouble. If you apply the points mentioned below, then you can reduce the chances of the online trouble easily.

(a)  Privacy Settings: Remember to set the privacy setting to your friend only. As you know what you are sharing and who is targeted audiences. You know that the image you will just upload will be seen via your friends only. On the other hand, you have the option to choose some selected friends as well to whom you do or don’t want them to see.

(b)  Monitor tagged content: You must have a close look at the content like the post, images people have tagged you on. Don’t forget to un-tag yourself if you think the content isn’t appropriate. If necessary, ask the uploader to remove it immediately or report to the Facebook right away.

(c)  Don’t upload content under the influence of illegal substances: Make sure that you don’t put any images or video under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, especially if you are a minor according to the region or area you belong.

(d)  Pay extra attention towards statuses, photos and videos: Remember, accepting friend request even from the people you know give the full access to view your personal life which may affect your day to day life. For an example: You have added your boss as a friend and granting them full access to your personal life can certainly put an effect on your job.

(e)  No trip or vacations information: Never announce about your upcoming long trip or vacation especially if you are travelling abroad as you may be inviting burglars to rob your house. Never post any picture during you are on vacations, always do the same once you come back to your home.

(f)    Change Password: You must change your password frequently. Do not choose passwords as definite information like date of birth, your mother’s maiden name or your birth place. Choose a strong password with the help of upper case, lower case, numbers along with the special characters. The password shall be hard to guess for others.

(g)  No Online Dating: Don’t consider Facebook an online dating environment as the purpose of the Facebook is to connect with the people you know only. Adding unknown people, you have never met or heard of can put you really in a big trouble.

Watch out the Domain: Before you go ahead and click on the Facebook look-alike link, ensure the domain is only not or www.facebook33.php etc. Providing information on the look-alike website will give the direct access to your email address and password to the intruders and hackers. It will increase the chances of getting compromised or hacked. 

More Detail :- Speak with Facebook contact support 24/7 team for technical assistance help.
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